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Institutional Support

Empowering Potential: Tailored Support Services for Children of Determination

Did You Know?

1 in 6 children has a developmental disability. At Adaptive Choice, we help every child reach their highest potential by providing an enriching learning environment with effective programs tailored to individual needs. 

Our Service

As a center dedicated to empowering children of determination in Dubai, our comprehensive range of services is thoughtfully designed to assess and effectively address the distinctive challenges among this group. As part of this initiative, we also have services that facilitate collaborations with hospitals, schools, government organizations, and other relevant entities. 

Here is a breakdown of what we offer through this partnership: 

We work hand in hand with schools and educators to shape inclusive classrooms where every child, regardless of their abilities, has access to quality education. Our approach includes crafting Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), creating sensory-friendly learning environments, and delivering continual support to empower students to reach their academic goals. We also host teacher training sessions and workshops aimed at fostering a more inclusive school culture.

In nurseries, we provide early intervention and developmental support for children of determination. We conduct assessments to pinpoint developmental delays early and implement interventions that encourage healthy growth and development. Our support spans various areas, from speech and language therapy addressing communication challenges to sensory integration therapy aiding in sensory processing difficulties.

For children of determination under medical observation or support in hospitals, we extend our care services to include respite care. This helps families get the essential breaks and support they need to navigate the challenges of caring for a child with unique needs. Our respite caregivers are thoroughly trained, compassionate, and proficient, giving families the peace of mind to rest, knowing their children are in good hands.

Collaborating with government organizations, we assist in developing and implementing policies and programs that support the inclusive education and well-being of children of determination. We bring our expert knowledge and insights to the table, aiding in creating nourishing environments where every child gets a chance to unlock their untapped potential. Our aim is to work collaboratively to boost the infrastructures that uphold the rights and needs of these children, ensuring they have every opportunity to thrive in society.

Why Us

Adaptive Choice stands out as a beacon of hope and support, paving the way for a more inclusive and adaptive future for children of determination in Dubai. Our devotion to excellence, meticulous program design, and unwavering commitment to empowering these children make us a preferred choice for institutions seeking specialised support services to manage and empower them.

Our initiatives and programs have undergone meticulous testing and have demonstrated effective, positive outcomes for children of determination and their unique needs

Our team comprises experts who have been carefully selected for their specialized knowledge, extensive experience, and morals in the field.

We believe in a person-centered approach, tailoring our services to meet each child's individual needs and preferences, ensuring optimal impact and benefits.

Our strategies and interventions are designed for immediate improvement and to ensure sustainable results and long-term development for every child.

We are committed to providing high-quality services that are not only effective but also affordable, ensuring that more families have access to the support they truly need.

Our Approach

Initial Assessment

We delve into understanding every child's distinct needs and potential. This ensures our programs precisely align with their requirements, paving the way for more focused and effective interventions. This in- depth approach allows us to create a roadmap that is unique to every child, showing effective results

Collaborative Planning

We then collaborate with relevant organizations or entities, working in harmony to choose effective programs according to the results of the assessments. This collective effort is crucial in following plans that resonate with the organizations' goals and the children's needs, allowing for the seamless execution of our programs

Policy Development and Advocacy

Collaborate in forming inclusive policies and advocate for the rights of children of determination, according to the program plan. Through this we aim to establish environments where our moral, ethical, and service standards are aligned, ensuring that every child experiences a profound sense of value


We roll out well-crafted programs that are fine-tuned to meet individual needs. These programs are executed with utmost precision and care, ensuring that every child receives the right kind of support and intervention, aiding them in their journey toward development and learning

Continuous Support and Guidance

We are steadfast in providing unwavering support and guidance throughout the child's developmental journey. Our continuous oversight and assistance are pivotal in maintaining children's progress and development, helping them adapt and thrive in varying environments.

Let's Talk Solutions

How It Works

Assessment and Customization

Collaboration and Partnership Building

and Support Implementation

Support and


Our Clients Have Their Say!

Shape a brighter tomorrow for children of determination with Adaptive Choice!

Join hands with us to make high-quality, personalized, and accessible support a reality for every child in need.

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