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Feeding Therapy


Feeding therapy is aimed at assisting children facing challenges with chewing, swallowing, or selective eating habits. This program helps to recognize the struggles of children who consume limited food varieties, intake small quantities, or exhibit unique mealtime behaviors not typical for their age group. It also evaluates any oral motor skills or underlying medical or sensory issues contributing to these difficulties in children while ensuring their nutritional requirements are duly met for healthy growth and development.

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Why Us

We take a comprehensive and exclusive approach to assisting your child’s feeding phase. Through expert research and development, we create customized solutions for recognizing and managing the challenges that come with selective eating, limited food varieties, and distinct mealtime behaviors in children. Our dedicated team of therapists prioritizes your child's safety while working diligently to maximize the sustainable benefits of pediatric feeding therapy. At Adaptive Choice, we don't just address feeding and swallowing difficulties; we empower your child to overcome them in a healthy way. Let us be your partner in nurturing and ensuring a healthy and positive mealtime experience for your child.

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The process

Unlocking Each Child's Potential


/ Initial Consultation

We begin with a consultation between parents and a specialist to discuss history, condition, concerns, expectations, and any other preferences.


/Comprehensive Assessment

Next, we evaluate the learner using tools like VB-MAPP and ABLLS, assessing behaviors and preferences to identify areas of improvement and strengths.


/ Individualized Treatment Plan

Following the results of the assessment, we then create a personalized treatment plan addressing parental concerns. The parents will also set goals and review results with ongoing progress evaluations.


/ Evaluation

Learner progress is analyzed through data and graphics to measure intervention efficacy and monitor ongoing development. Evaluations occur biannually.


Discover more about Feeding Therapy for children with Adaptive Choice. Explore our techniques, the benefits, and how we assure nutritional progress for children with feeding challenges.

Individuals who have trouble swallowing, are picky eaters, refuse foods of certain textures, or have a fear of eating can benefit from feeding therapy. This includes children with conditions like autism, cerebral palsy, or Down syndrome, as well as those without a specific diagnosis but who face challenges eating a varied diet. Early intervention can help prevent long-term eating issues.

The duration of feeding therapy varies based on the child’s specific needs. Some might only require a few sessions to address minor issues, while others might need ongoing support for several months or even years. The frequency and duration of therapy are determined in partnership with the therapist based on observed progress and established goals.

Feeding therapy is generally safe through expert guidance. Potential risks might arise from introducing new foods or textures, which could result in allergic reactions or choking if not introduced carefully. However, a qualified therapist is trained to handle these situations and will prioritize the individual's safety. It's essential to maintain open communication with the therapist about any concerns, known allergies, or past experiences to mitigate risks.

While feeding therapy incorporates aspects of regular mealtimes, it's structured and goal-oriented. During therapy, the therapist employs specific techniques and strategies tailored to the individual's challenges, be it sensory, motor, or behavioral. There's a therapeutic intent behind each action, aiming to enhance the individual's skills and comfort level with food. Regular mealtimes at home, on the other hand, might not have this structured, therapeutic approach. 

Get in Touch

Questions or thoughts? Reach out to Adaptive Choice. We're here to help, listen, and guide you every step of the way.

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