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Developmental Milestones

  • Raises head and cheek when lying on stomach (3 mos.)
  • Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach (3 mos.)
  • Stretches legs out when lying on stomach or back (2-3 mos.)
  • Opens and shuts hands (2-3 mos.)
  • Pushes down on his legs when feet are placed on firm surface (3 mos.)


  • Watches face intently (2-3 mos.)
  • Follows moving objects (2 mos.)
  • Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance (3 mos.)
  • Starts using hands and eyes in coordination (3 mos.)

Hearing and Speech

  • Smiles at the sound of voice (2-3 mos.)
  • Cooing noises; vocal play (begins at 3 mos.)
  • Startles to loud noise (1-3 mos.)


  • Begins to develop a social smile (1-3 mos.)
  • Enjoys playing with other people and may cry when playing stops (2-3 mos.)
  • Imitates some movements and facial expressions

Developmental Red Flags

  • Does not seem to respond to loud noises
  • Does not follow moving objects with eyes by 2 to 3 months
  • Does not smile at the sound of your voice by 2 months
  • Does not grasp and hold objects by 3 months
  • Does not support head well at 3 months
  • Does not reach for and grasp toys by 3 to 4 months
  • Does not bring objects to mouth by 4 months
  • Does not push down with legs when feet are placed on a firm surface by 4 months
  • Has trouble moving one or both eyes in all directions


  • Pushes up on extended arms (5 mos.)
  • Pulls to sitting with no head lag (5 mos.)
  • Sits with support of his hands (5-6 mos.)
  • Sits unsupported for short periods (6-8 mos.)
  • Supports whole weight on legs (6-7 mos.)
  • Grasps feet (6 mos.)
  • Transfers objects from hand to hand (6-7 mos.)
  • Uses raking grasp (not pincer) (6 mos.)


  • Looks for toy beyond tracking range (5-6 mos.)
  • Tracks moving objects with ease (4-7 mos.)
  • Grasps objects dangling in front of him (5-6 mos.)


  • Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice (4-7 mos.)
  • Responds to sound by making sounds (4-6 mos.)
  • Uses voice to express joy and displeasure (4-6 mos.)
  • Syllable repetition begins (5-7 mos.)


  • Finds partially hidden objects (6-7 mos.)
  • Explores with hands and mouth (4-7 mos.)
  • Struggles to get objects that are out of reach (5-7 mos.)

Social Emotional

  • Enjoys social play (4-7 mos.)
  • Interested in mirror images (5-7 mos.)
  • Responds to other people’s expression of emotion (4-7 mos.)

Developmental Red Flags

  • Seems very stiff, tight muscles or floppy
  • Head still flops back when body is pulled to sitting position
  • Does not respond to sounds around them
  • Has difficulty getting objects to mouth
  • Does not roll over (stomach to back) by 6 months
  • Cannot sit with help by 6 months


  • Gets to sitting position without assistance (8-10 mos.)
  • Crawls forward on belly
  • Assumes hand and knee position
  • Creeps on hands and knees
  • Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position (10-12 mos.)
  • Pulls self up to standing position
  • Walks holding on to furniture
  • Stands momentarily without support
  • May walk two or three steps without support

Hand and Finger Skills

  • Uses pincer grasp (using thumb and index finger)
  • Bangs two cubes together
  • Puts objects in/out of container (10-12 mos.)
  • Pokes with index finger


  • Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)
  • Finds hidden objects easily (10-12 mos.)
  • Looks at correct picture when image is named
  • Imitates gestures (9-12 mos.)

Language Milestones

  • Responds to simple verbal requests and “no”
  • Babbles with inflection (8-10 mos.)
  • Babbles “dada” and “mama” (8-10 mos.)
  • Uses exclamations such as “oh-oh”

Developmental Red Flags

  • Does not crawl
  • Cannot stand when supported
  • Says no single words (“mama” or “dada”)
  • Does not sit steadily by 10 months
  • Does not babble by 8 mos. (“dada,” “baba,” “mama”)


  • Walks alone (12-16 mos.)
  • Pulls toys behind him while walking or carries toys (13-16 mos.)
  • Begins to run stiffly (16-18 mos.)
  • Climbs onto and down from furniture unsupported (16-24 mos.)
  • Walks up and down stairs holding on to support (18-24 mos.)

Hand and Finger Skills

  • Scribbles spontaneously (14-16 mos.)
  • Turns over container to pour out contents (12-18 mos.)
  • Builds tower of four blocks or more (20-24 mos.)
  • Begins to sort shapes and colors


  • Points to object or picture when it’s named for them (18-24 mos.)
  • Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts (18-24 mos.)
  • Says several single words (15-18 mos.)
  • Uses two-word sentences (18-24 mos.)
  • Follows simple, one-step instructions (14-18 mos.)
  • Repeats words overheard in conversations (16-18 mos.)


  • Imitates behavior of others, especially adults and older children (18-24 mos.)
  • Demonstrates increasing independence (18-24 mos.)
  • Begins to show defiant behavior (18-24 mos.)

Developmental Red Flags

  • Cannot walk by 18 months
  • Fails to develop a mature heel-toe walking pattern after several months of walking, or walks exclusively on toes
  • Does not speak at least 15 words by 18 months
  • Does not use two-word sentences by age 2
  • By 15 months does not seem to know the function of common household objects (brush, telephone, bell, fork, spoon)
  • Does not follow simple one-step instructions by 24 mos.


  • Climbs well (24-30 mos.)
  • Walks down stairs alone, placing both feet on each step (26-28 mos.)
  • Walks up stairs alternating feet with support (24-30 mos.)
  • Swings leg to kick ball (24-30 mos.)
  • Runs easily (24-26 mos.)
  • Pedals tricycle (30-36 mos.)
  • Bends over easily without falling (24-30 mos.)

Hand and Finger Skills

  • Makes vertical, horizontal, circular strokes with pencil or crayon (30-36 mos.)
  • Turns book pages one at a time (24-30 mos.)
  • Builds a tower of more than 6 blocks (24-30 mos.)
  • Screws and unscrews jar lids, nuts, and bolts (24-30 mos.)
  • Turns rotating handles (24-30 mos.)


  • Recognizes and identifies almost all common objects and pictures (26-32 mos.)
  • Understands most sentences (24-40 mos.)
  • Understands physical relationships (on, in, under) (30-36 mos.)
  • Can say name, age, and sex (30-36 mos.)
  • Uses pronouns (I, you, me, we, they) (24-30 mos.)


  • Matches an object in hand or room to a picture in a book (24-30 mos.)
  • Plays make-believe with dolls, animals, and people (24-36 mos.)
  • Sorts objects by color (30-36 mos.)
  • Completes puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces (24-36 mos.)

Developmental Red Flags

  • Frequent falling and difficulty with stairs
  • Persistent drooling or very unclear speech
  • Inability to build a tower of more than 4 blocks
  • Difficulty manipulating small objects
  • Inability to copy a circle by 3 years old
  • Uninterested in playing with peers


  • Hops and stands on one foot up to 5 seconds
  • Goes upstairs and downstairs without support
  • Kicks ball forward
  • Throws ball overhand
  • Catches bounced ball most of the time

Hand and Finger Skills

  • Draws a person with 2-4 body parts
  • Uses scissors
  • Draws circles and squares
  • Begins to copy some capital letters
  • Can feed self with spoon

Language Milestones

  • Understands the concepts of “same” and “different”
  • Speaks in sentences of 5-6 words
  • Asks questions
  • Tells stories

Cognitive Milestones

  • Correctly names some colors
  • Understands the concept of counting and may know a few numbers
  • Follows three-part commands
  • Recalls parts of a story
  • Engages in fantasy play

Social/Emotional Milestones

  • Cooperates/plays with other children
  • Dresses and undresses
  • May have imaginary friends or see monsters

Developmental Red Flags

  • Cannot jump in place or ride a trike
  • Cannot grasp a crayon between thumb and fingers or copy shapes
  • Ignores other children
  • Resists dressing, sleeping, using the toilet


  • Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
  • Hops, somersaults
  • Swings, climbs
  • May be able to skip

Hand and Finger Skills

  • Copies triangle and other geometric patterns
  • Draws person with body
  • Prints some letters
  • Dresses and undresses without assistance
  • Uses fork, spoon
  • Usually cares for own toilet needs

Language Milestones

  • Speaks sentences of more than 5 words
  • Uses future tense
  • Tells longer stories
  • Can count 10 or more objects
  • Correctly names colors
  • Better understands the concept of time
  • Knows about things used every day in the home (money, food, etc.)

Social Milestones

  • Wants to please and be with friends
  • More likely to agree to rules
  • Likes to sing, dance, and act
  • Shows more independence

Developmental Red Flags

  • Exhibits extremely aggressive, fearful or timid behavior
  • Is easily distracted and unable to concentrate on any single activity for 5 minutes
  • Shows little interest in playing with other children
  • Rarely uses fantasy or imitation in play
  • Has trouble eating, sleeping or using the toilet
  • Cannot understand two-part commands and prepositions
  • Seems uncomfortable holding a crayon
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